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  #10   Report Post  
Old January 31st 05, 01:57 AM
Posts: n/a

Please stop the hypocrisy,
You make a one time purchase of a radio and proudly say it's not made in
Red China!

You know ZERO of my purchases or my personal and political knowledge of

However, look around your shack,apartment,trailer,home whatever You live
Tell me how many products are made in China? 3/4's is a conservative


I avoid Chinese "brand" products like the plague. How about you?

You are still buying from communists,they still get more of your dollar

a day-to-day basis
than a one time radiopurchase!

I have a little revelation for you. Chinese profits from foreign companys
products in China is a very small fraction of the foreign company profits.
Miniscule in fact.
The reason the Communist government encourages this is because there are
more people
unemployed in China then there are employed in the U.S. The Communist Party
be facing more social unrest if unemployment gets any worse.

What you need to avoid are Chinese products made by and sold by Chinese
I.E. Companys owned by the Chinese Communist Party = Degen!

I'm Betting You shop at Wallmart,yep China's 3rd largest trade partner.

No I don't for several reasons. How about you micro-brain?

Anyway, You should love China ,because Bush loves China , and the Record
Trade deficit with them.

We all now see what your motives are here. Your knowledge of international
and global economics is nil.