His "collection" should be translated "stuff I got on eBay recently and
think I can make a quick buck from."
His stories about the history of anything he sells seem to me to be
fabricated. He claimed to me several years ago when he won an auction
of mine on eBay and a few weeks later listed the same item saying it had
belonged to his father and was in his family for years, was that he was
from the UK and had a radio store there. He said he also had a Texas US
call and spent a lot of his time in the US. When I challenged him on
his description of the item that he was auctioning that he had just got
from me was that he was just trying to make it more interesting.
Probably also fabrications about his call sign and perhaps his UK
connection though with a name "Martyn" it's not a typical stateside
Deal with him with caution.
Alan wrote:
Does he have a call? Is he really even a ham??
Why are all the high bidders now hidden on his auctions?
So he can bid against his own stuff (using Gotthaveit1995).
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