I've read all of the postings on this subject and like so many of you I have
no idea why anyone would use AOL as an ISP. That aside let me tell you this
story about how brain dead AOL is.
My wife's cousin died. He used AOL. He did because he was computer
illiterate. So be it. Anyhow, in November he died unexpectedly at 62. So
my wife and I proceed to shut down his accounts, one of them being AOL.
Each time we called to get the account shut down we ended up speaking to at
least six people, and twice we ended up with the same person who took the
call. To make a long story short, on the last call I got so angry with them
that I damn near shouted at the person. They kept saying that Mr. Shepard
had to call and cancel. It was at that point I raised my voice and said,
"He is D-E-A-D. He is NOT with the living any longer. He has met with his
demise. His heart stopped. He has been CREMATED and CAN'T CALL. What part
of D-E-A-D don't you understand?" To wit, the individual on the other end
of the phone, the one with a Room Temperature IQ, said. "I understand, but,
you will have to have Mr. Shepard call and cancel the account." I laughed
to myself and said, "I've have him call you at his earliest convenience.
Thank you for clearing this up for him." I hung up, shut down the credit
card it was billed to and forgot about it. Like what are they going to do
ruin his credit? Tim
"K9SQG" wrote in message
Anybody have the rationale?