In article ,
Mike Coslo wrote:
| Let us put it to the test, Dave.
| Write out a short sentence, or even a CQ de (your callsign) in binary
| format, and let me read it right off the screen. If Morse code is
| binary, it will be no problem.
That's actually a reasonable test. And I shall give you an answer,
though I don't think you expected one. And I'm not Dave.
Here is a binary representation of `CQ DE K' (this gets rather tedious,
so I'll only do the first few characters) :
10111010111000111011101011100000001110101000100011 1010111000
And to explain that further --
dit = 1
dah = 111
space between dit/dah = 0
space between letters = 000
space between words = 0000000
So, `CQ DE K' translates to :
C 10111010111
Q 1110111010111
D 1110101
E 1
K 111010111
(the letters and newlines are there *only* to help make it readable.)
To play this back is very simple --
-- Pick a time period -- for example, 1 = 1/10 th of a second.
-- go through the list, going through each chracter --
1 = play a tone for 1/10th of a second
0 = be completely silent for 1/10th of a second
It's really that simple.
If you want a program to do it --
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# C Q D E K B 3 E I A P S E K
my $string = ".-.- --.-\n-.. .\n-.- -... ...-- . .. .-\n.--. ... . -.-" ;
foreach my $c (split (//, $string)) {
if ($c eq ".") { print "10" ; next } ;
if ($c eq "-") { print "1110" ; next } ;
if ($c eq " ") { print "00" ; next } ; # Only two 0s, because the last
# character ended with a 0.
if ($c eq "\n") { print "000000" ; next } ; # ditto, but 6.
print "\n" ;
And the output of your complete CQ in binary is :
10111010111000111011101011100000001110101000100000 00
11101011100011101010100010101011101110001000101000 101110000000
new lines and spaces are added by me only to help it fit on the
| This is a screen readable approximation of me calling CQ
| .-.- --.- -.. . -.- -... ...-- . .. .- .--. ... . -.-
| it is not binary.
Doug McLaren,
... Time is the best teacher, unfortunately it kills all of its students.