Legalities aside and being strictly technical...
The PLL02A is a binary programmable divider device and from memory a
logical change of the least significant bit is 10kHz.
I don't remember the pin numbers off hand but if you probe around with a
multimeter you will find that pin that changes state every 10kHz. Make
sure you pick a range where the channels really do change 10kHz at a
time (eg 16 through 19).
With some logical thinking and the knowledge that either side of 27.195
the state will either be high or low, you will find that setting the
selector to 185 or 205 and changing that pins state will change to 195.
You will be able to do the same thing for the other "gaps" at ch3-4,
7-8, 11-12, & 15-16.
So how do you change the state? I cant remember whether the chip has
pull-ups or pulldowns and which way the channel selector goes. I guess
you should break the connection and insert a switch with centre to the
chip. Once side you should reconnect to the original wiring and the
other to a pullup or down as needed.
I don't suggest you go pulling a crystal off frequency as outlined on
the URL you posted. You should note by the way that the mod above will
give a 10kHz change on roughly half the channels. The rest wont change
at all.
My reply address is bogus. If you wish to reply substitute bcnuup for bcnntp
http://www.cbsite.nl/modif/onderdelen/pll02a.htm - It took me 30
seconds to find.
Cheers Bob VK2YQA
George Kinzer wrote:
anyone know a simple 10khz jump feature mod for this PLL?
I have a brand new older model Midland CB 40 channel that I would
like to do this to..I know all the other "band" mods, but do not wish to do
A buddy 35 miles away has a birthday on the 20th of January.
I offered him a AM/SSB radio, but he does not like the SSB mode. He is going
blind and
a simple switch to go from 27.185mhz to a very quiet 27.195 will be a
blessing. I have done tons of searches and came up with only one that was
worth trying.
if someone here has tried this and it WORKS , let me know BEFORE I open this
baby up.
Email me at
I don't post here often, when I do I am generally giving away info for you
guys. My goal before I get old is to get my Ham ticket, which will take all
of month of studying or less If I cram. Been in electronics long
time....my HR2510 takes me in the 10-11 meter bands from 26.000mhz to
29.000mhz AM, FM, CW, USB, LSB..
I am "W-F-L-Y" World-Wide Horsefly, 118, North Alabama
73's and Happy New Year to all, and to all a good night.