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Old February 3rd 05, 12:14 AM
Posts: n/a

"colincam780" wrote in message
If you like the GR, I wish you could try a 2010 for MW. I have both
and the GR is good, but the 2010 just smokes.

Is the 2010 that good for MW just on its internal antenna ??? For me, I
dont like the 7600gr for its sensitivity on MW, I value it because it is
fairly quiet as far as noise goes and MOST of all the ssb selectable AM sync
really makes a huge difference. Without it, in a lot of cases, you get all
kinds of QRM from neighboring stations when you try to DX MW. Then, just
switch on the sync and pick the ssb setting on the other side of the QRM.
Viola !!! A good clean clear signal. I absolutely LOVE it. I have GE SR
III with that huge internal ferrite bar that was designed for MW DX. It is
more sensitive then the 7600gr and more quite. Still, I prefer the 7600gr
just because of the sync and digital tuning.
