Thread: Legal Question
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Old February 3rd 05, 06:07 AM
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"T-bone" wrote in message
"Lou" wrote in

"T-bone" wrote in message
"Lou" wrote in

I guess those who do not reply on mass transit
could really give a **** less what the rules/laws/policies may be.
Strange. I've seen this issue debated up the ass about airplanes, but
never buses or such.

I suspect theres not a whole lot of scannists who use mass transit
much, and
don't scan when they do.
Could be wrong. Here in the Detroit area, there is no mass transit as
I'm thinking, barring an occasional crash or wino on the tracks, such
monitoring would be about one step above taco belle drive through

WOW....... We always learn something new. I would have thought Detroit
being the "busy" place it is to be, would have mass transit.



Heck no - Unless you consider plain old busses mass transit.
Maybe thats what your referring to - I always think of subways and
organized trolly systems ala New York, Chicago,SF or New Orleans when I
think of mass transit.
I've been to Philly and Pittsburgh quite a few times, but don't really
recall what they have in the way of mass transit, as I've always had my
vehicle there.
We do have this goofy little elevated trolly called the 'people mover' in
downtown, but its 100% automated, so I doubt if theres much, if anything,
worth listening to from that.

Pittsburgh has Mass Transit in the way of all their bus routes, trolleys and
sub way systems. Still working on a Mag Lev of some sort. Magnetic
Levitation - very high speed and supported on a rail above ground - to run a
few miles between two points - unknown if they're planning stops along the
way - though I'd have to think they would! There are some "smaller" systems
around the Pittsburgh area which run people into the city to work and such,
which - believe it or not - are called or at the least - consider themselves
"mass transit". I suppose their claim is supported by the fact that the
buses do carry "masses" of people to locations here and there. I suppose
too, that is open for debate as to whether it really is "Mass Transit".
Everyone has their own way of viewing things.

I think you're probably right about the "People mover". About as exciting as
watching cement harden. If there is any radio excitement there to be had,
chances are it would be in the form of hash of some sort for those who like
that sort of noise.
