"T-bone" wrote in message
. 130...
Hmmm .. Funny the things one misses out on when they're not really
The only transit vehicle I road on in Pittsburgh was them little rail cars
that lug you up to the top of that big old hill near the river.
Quite a nice view from there.
Ah yes, the Incline - near Station Square - goes up to Mt. Washington. There
were 2, but I think the other may be down now. Not sure. Don't hear much
about it.
Philly I've walked and drove all over the place, and don't recall seeing
anything mass transit related.
I think you're probably right about the "People mover". About as
exciting as watching cement harden. If there is any radio excitement
there to be had, chances are it would be in the form of hash of some
sort for those who like that sort of noise.
I would think the only transmissions worthy of possible interest from the
people mover would be from technicians servicing it during its frequent
"Yeah,Red Fox 2 this is Blue Dog 1 ... I need another 8 inch greased nut,
reverse flange over-drive bearing, and another box of doughnuts. Over."
As I said, as exciting as watching cement harden! But then again, on a dull
night - the cops can even sound that exciting.