Thread: FS: ATV station
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Old February 4th 05, 01:29 AM
Jim, N2VX
Posts: n/a
Default FS: ATV station

For sale: Complete ATV station. Purchased for use with local ATV
repeater that never got going. All components came from PC
Electronics. Includes:

440 MHz transceiver consisting of:
-TVC-2G 440 downconverter with with low noise GaAsfet preamp.
Outputs video signal on channel 3. This is a hot receiver.
-TXA5 440 transmitter with crystals for 434 and 439 MHz, feeding a 10
watt amp. FMA5 audio board included.
- Coax TR relay. Ground a PTT line to transmit.

And a TVC-9A 900 MHz downconverter, output on channel 3.

$150 for everything, picked up near Rochester, NY. Add $5 for
postage, I'll cover the rest.

Also have 440 MHz log-periodic feed yagi 28 elements on a 10' boom and
an 8' homebrew helical for 900 MHz, $30 for both, local pickup only.
