SpamHog wrote:
The Desrt Ratt HR regenerative receiver has a good reputation, and I'd
love to build one, but I am a quite mediocre homebrewer... If I can
get some potential problems out of the way I can better concentrate on
the many others that will surely crop up!
These are my doubts w.r.t. the DR2 as described in the .PDFs on Paul
Harden's page: .
Can anyone comment on any of these points?
1) Tuning Coil
The PDF mentions inductance, number of turns and wire gage,
but leave us in suspense apropos the coil former:
"T1 is wound directly on the PCB". Uh?
I guess anything 5-6uH will do, but I can't keep from wondering...
Here is a link to a few pictures of an older version of the Desert Ratt.
You have to scroll down a little bit, but this shows that the coil is
wound on a toroid. As long as it has good characteristics in the 3-30 MHz
range, any one can be used. The permeability may vary from one toroid to
another but you should be able experiment a little to get things right.
Maybe someone else could suggest a proper toroid number. The one there
looks like a T50-?? or T38-??. It's hard to tell.
2) Tuning Varicap
"R5 sets the current across D2-D3" The reverse resistance on such
rectifiers is huge, much greater than R5 (10kohm). I noticed that Paul
Harden N5AN once offered V/C measurements on diodes for use as varicaps
There, one sees a 1N4148, forward biased. From the specs one gleans
that this diode has a sizeable current when forward biased at voltages
within a reasonable tunng range - but we're talking about something
quite different here. What gives?
Yes, forward biased the 1N4148 will have a high current. If you read
further through that thread, someone else described a problem with using
it in that mode. The high current caused excessive heating and drift.
Not really recommended for use.
3) Q2 (oscillator) biasing
The resistor between C6 and C7 is not rated. A base bias on an regen's
oscillator can be rather, well, critical....
C6, C7, and R? are there to filter and stabilize the Base-Emitter
voltage and bypass the Base-Emitter junction from RF. A value of
100K should be sufficient. The value isn't really that critical.
Here is a link to a really old version of the Desert Ratt.
The coil is different but the biasing structure of Q2 is pretty much
the same. Also note the slightly different part arrangement on the
lm386. Get a spec sheet on the lm386 to see what each part is suppose
to do.
4) IC Amplifier
R12 is indicated as "10W".
What would a reasonable resistance rating be?
This just looks like a misprint. I believe that should be 10 Ohms.
Just go to google and type in lm386 for all the information you can
stand on that chip. I didn't see any configuration that used it
in quite that way, but that doesn't mean it can't be used that wy.
5) Voltage Regulator
The text says that the drop across the forward biased LED1
is 1.3-1.8V, while across the Si rectifier D1 is 0.7V.
In series they'd sum up to 2 - 2.5V, but on the circuit
one reads a total drop of 3.0V, i.e. up to 1 V higher.
Charles Kitchin's design fed the oscillator just 2.1V...
Would 2.5V be enough? Or, do LEDs come with a wide variety
of voltage drops?
The voltage drop across the diode D1 will be as specified
for just about any 1N914 you use, however, the voltage across
a LED depends on exactly which one you choose. Here is another
link to a page that describes the kind of voltage drops you
can expect from LEDs.
It seems that this value can be any where between 1.7 and
4.6 volts depending on the type you choose. I seem to recall that
even when you get a LED from Radio Shack the specs are printed
on the back. Personally, I would shoot for the 3.0 volts, listed
in the schematic.
TIA to everyone!
I hope this will encourage others to experiment with this circuit.
Filippo (SpamHog)
Martin E. Meserve - K7MEM