Thread: R-274D/URR ?
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Old February 5th 05, 08:42 PM
Dennis Gibbs
Posts: n/a

Henry -

This is definitely the "Hallicrafters" SX-73 version of the R-274. I've had
a couple of these pass through my hands and have one right now. But yours
seems highly modified. Also, I have never seen the front panel painted with
the color yours is - Does it appear original? The two additional knobs in
the upper left hand corner are new - On "normal" SX-73 models, there is
nothing but a channel tag there. Also, I notice one of the toggle switches
is labeled, "calibrate" when on the standard SX-73, it's a switch for the
Automatic Noise Blanker. Finally, I notice there is a "notch" adjustment in
the middle on the lower rows of knobs - on the standard SX-73, this is a
Crystal Phasing adjustment.

Yours is quite a rare find, indeed - I have never seen one like this. The
scope of modifications would suggest these were not home brew
modifications - if I'm wrong, whoever did it was highly motivated!

Now, would you be interested in parting with this unit :-)?

Enjoy your find!

Dennis Gibbs

"Henry Kolesnik" wrote in message
I just got this unit at the ABQ swap and started looking for a a manual
with Google and found that unit is differnt from the ones I've found
pictured. It has 3 Collins mechanical filters. At the top upper left it
has a Squelch control and next to it is a Noise Silencer control. The mode
swtich is labeled AM and SSB/CW. The lettering looks factory done. The
filters have been added on a sub chassis and I'm not sure it is a factory
mod or homebrew but it has been nicely done. The S meter was made by Texas
Instruments. It has some problems including lots of nosie, hetrodynes,
etc.. I've only seen one of these in the past and can recall which version
it was, they must be scarce? Anyone have any info?
