Thanks for the help Gary. Can anyone here recommend a good Icom service
center? I live in the DFW area. Any help is appreciated. TIA.
"Gary S." Idontwantspam@net wrote in message
On Fri, 4 Feb 2005 16:48:58 -0600, "Brian Oakley"
Not sure this is the right spot to post this so please forgive me if
not. I have an Icom IC2-SRA 2mtr/scanner. The batter pack died on it
before I could replace it, the memory battery also went south. I used to
able to power it up with the plug in PS and listen to it but now it
power up at all. PS is ok. I tried the reset for the processor but still
nothing. Short of sending it in to Icom for repair, I thought I would ask
for any advice here as to how to bring this rig back to life. I know I
to change the batteries, but will that get the rig working again, since
not operating off the PS now? Does anyone have any experience with these
handie talkies? TIA
The PS may be sufficient to trickle charge the batteries, not enough
to actually power the unit. This is very typical for HTs. The battery
may be a necessary part of the circuit, even when running from wall
It may be less expensive to buy the AA battery pack and drop in
regular alkalines or rechargables.
A good dealer who does service on Icoms should be able to explain your
options. Replacing the internal memory battery is no biggie for a
service center. It may be preventing a proper reset.
Happy trails,
Gary (net.yogi.bear)
at the 51st percentile of ursine intelligence
Gary D. Schwartz, Needham, MA, USA
Please reply to: garyDOTschwartzATpoboxDOTcom