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Old February 6th 05, 04:41 AM
Posts: n/a

"Twistedhed" wrote in message
Can't wait to see the programs the feds are gonna cut to pay for the
war and the tax cuts. Bush just realized the bill is coming due and it
really has to be paid. Betcha the red states will be screaming the
loudest when they have no salt for the roads or when their potholes are
the size of small craters and they have to wait in line all day to take
care of single task in any federal building, including the post office.
Add to that the crime increase that will be a direct result of the
domino effect following inflation and the right can bitch about how the
liberals screwed the country during the 8 Bush years for many
generations to come.

Hello, Twist

The beginning of this was with Ronald Raygun and star wars. The cuts for
the rich were largely paid by cuts to aid the poor. Unfortunately, Bush has
created a deficit that is not going to be fixed by stopping all aid to
education, health care, or anything else.

I visited the U.K. website. Seems like I am entitled to a work permit in
England as my grandfather was Scottish. Everyone here loves to point out
the expense of living there and the high taxes. Wow! 5 or 6 bucks a gallon
for gasoline.

Well, the income tax is likely lower for most folks over there. 10% for the
first several thousand pounds sterling. Then 20% up to something like
40,000 pounds sterling. Then 40% thereafter. So, it isn't all that bad for
working stiffs. Lower than here, actually.

Now the costs are somewhat higher with rents something like 12 pounds
sterling per day at a hotel (hmm ... perhaps $25.00 .... sounds sort of
cheap). Of course, efficiency appartments and flats do cost more. Quite a
bit more.

Of course, one has to consider what they earn.

Want to take a guess as to what a nurse makes over there? A nurse
specialist (which, I assume, is equivalent to a nurse practioner over here)
does make more. I suspect a nurse practioner over here makes something like
$30.00 per hour or $60,000 per years. Over there, they make 65,000 pounds
sterling. That is over $130,000 per year!

On the website, it appears the low end of things is something like 15 pounds
sterling per hour ($30.00), entry level.

Ever wonder what happened since the 1960s and 70s where the wife could stay
at home and a skilled tradesman could make a decent living for his wife and

Of course, the Repooblican answer is to send jobs to China where they make
30 cents per hour and claim they are raising our standard of living by
getting us cheap goods. Hmmmm ...

Oh, did I mention that England apparently can run their country on taxes
similar to ours - *plus* have free health care?

What is wrong with this picture? We just don't do enough for the rich.
Perhaps we should give Michael Jackson a free "get out of jail" card should
he need it. He's wealthy and he's entitled. Along with the scum bags that
wiped out pension plans (and Bush is about to wipe out Social Security).
Don't kid yourself. One country that "privatized" their system found out.
One guy who went with that private thing found that all along the way,
wealthy folks get cuts of that pension for "managing" it. The management
team got 30 percent of the take. The end result is that this guy ends up
with half of the pension others got without the privitization. Plus, his
pension is a 20 year annuity. If he lives beyond that, he's out in the
street and no one cares.

Since nothing appears to stick to our teflon don ... I mean president, I'm
sure no one will remember the idiot(s) who brought ruination to our country.

One other thing - Bush is *not* a uniter and never intended to be.

Best regards from Rochester, NY