On Sun, 06 Feb 2005 02:27:24 GMT, SideBand wrote:
Vinnie S. wrote:
On Sat, 05 Feb 2005 16:18:45 GMT, SideBand wrote:
Vinnie S. wrote:
I am talking to a local on 38 LSB. I am cutting out after about 2-3 seconds of
talking. He says I am fine for about 2-3 seconds, and then just go dead. Not
happening on AM. I switched power mics, with the same result. Also happend on
USB. Then I went and put the radio in the car, and the problem went away. The
local said it's my power supply not having enough juice. But it's 12 amp
constant, 14 amp surge. It's a PyramidPS-14KX. Again, I am running barefoot with
a HR-2510. Is it the power supply? Should I add more caps for filtering?
Can anyone help?
Vinnie S.
Try finding a small (inexpensive) 13.8V Car battery, and hooking it in
parallel (+ to + and - to -) with your power supply.. The battery will
pick up the slack the power supply can't provide, and the supply will
charge the battery when you're not talking.. Neat solution...
One caveat, though.. once the battery is at full charge, you'll need to
either turn off the power supply, or turn something on (a radio, etc) to
provide SOME load to the power supply so the batter doesn't get overcharged.
I run all my HAM base station gear like this...
I am still trying to narrow it down. This might be an intermittent problem. I
was talking SSB during the day, and this didn't occur. Could it be an RF
feedback problem? I just installed an 8 foot ground rod, and will run the wire
tonight. Would this dissipate some of the RF?
Vinnie S.
Depends on how (and where) you have it hooked up. NEI, if you remember
that from school...
Here is a weird one.
When I went to measure PEP on the meter, my SSB seem to be modulating, almost
like it was holding a carrier. Even if I turn the mic all the way down, and
don't talk, it appears to me measure a full peak my the power meter, and also
the radio meter. What is weirder is it appears to be channels 35 and higher on
SSB. The lower channels seem to be normal on SSB. They show power only when you
are talking.
Vinnie S.