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  #10   Report Post  
Old February 7th 05, 12:41 AM
Posts: n/a

Howard wrote in

Hey Howard, no problem buddy. Oddly enough, while watching Sherlock
Holmes the other day, they used the word "vitriol". I knew of its use in
language, but it was thrown onto a man's face for revenge of a similar
crime from years before. (hell hath no wrath like a woman scorned, and it
applied in the Sherlock Holmes episode). Anyway, a quick look to the
Webster's Online Dictionary revealed the following.

Main Entry: oil of vitriol
: concentrated sulfuric acid

You learn something new every day.



First off, relax a bit. As to why my statement, I have been there and
seen the falls and also checked the map: the Niagara River shows to
run between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie and the falls are between the
two lakes. Well, it seems I remembered the direction of water travel
backward and I made a public mistake. Had you not been so irate in
your response you would have received a public apology. Perhaps your
calling me a putz made you feel better, from the level of vitriole in
your posts today sounds like you need a little relief and thankfully I
was here to provide it for you.