thanks for the insight, in my case they delivered the package and LATER
mailed the bill !
I will be calling purolator tomorrow and putting the pressure on them. I
will mention they are illegally collecting customs and fraudulently trying
to collect excesssive fees.
I believe you are being hosed (to use the Cdn expression). NAFTA (N. Amer
free trade agreement) says you can be charged sales tax on locale where
take charge of the package but radios (amateur, SW) are customs exempt b/n
the 2 countries. Period. I had a fight with UPS from the USA to Canada
where they thought I should pay a brokerage fee. To get delivery I had to
pay it and then appealed through Canada customs. I was refunded the
amount. UPS threatened me several times before the appeal went through. I
just ignored them and forwarded their correspondence to customs. I only
buy things now shipped by postal service, which frankly takes usually only
an extra day or two and avoids this sort of extortion. The US and Cdn
postal services do an excellent job of cross border shipping in my
experience doing this with 4 radios, 3 computers and various other things
like books and parts. And they are cheaper for basic shipping costs.
I think the shyster courier companies think they can make a buck from you
standing there with the package and saying they won't deliver unless you
fork out. I don't do business with any company who won't ship the way I
want it.
So hold your ground and complain. Refuse to pay. If you never use
purolator again, they can't hold a package for future extortion.