February 9th 05, 05:47 AM
Bob Haberkost wrote:
"dxAce" wrote in message
| David wrote:
| Not at all. I am a patriot in the spirit of Paine, Franklin and
| everyone else with the cajones to say something's wrong.
| You people who defend the criminals and hide behind the flag are
| traitors, because you refuse to defend the Constitution and the
| Revolution.
| Nah, you're just a moronic 'tard boy.
| You just can't seem to get a grip on the facts.
| Now go take those meds, before your day gets totally screwed up.
1) - The advice to "adjust one's meds" is so old that an exhibit of the first
time it was used was just recently installed in the Smithsonian
2) - If you were to go visit this hallowed shrine to glib, droll wit, you
might want to visit the National Archives, where you can look at the
Declaration of Independence, the Consitution and the Bill of Rights. Of
course, you can look at them on the web, too, at
respectively. You might want to read what the contemporaries of Paine and
Franklin (and Jefferson and Monroe) wrote. Believe it or not (but I'd wager
the latter, given your earlier response) they're your heroes.
3) - One of the reasons they'd be your heroes is because, despite the fact
that they'd disagree with your attitude, tone and content, they'd still
advocate your right to say these rude, clueless and downright vile things.
And while disagreeing with you, they wouldn't even resort to calling you "a
moronic 'tard boy" (or any other insult of the day). You see, they were
civil and enlightened, and hoped to provide people like you the same
opportunities. Your actions are an affront to everything they fought for.
Your ignorance undermines the very foundations that the United States was
built on.
So, here's the question. Will you get educated, and defend the Constitution
and what it stands for? Or will you continue your ignorance, disgrace the
country you (so you claim) love, and cause further damage to the reputation
and security of the United States? The fate of the U-S is in your hands.
Don't blow it.
Men born to freedom are naturally alert to repel invasion of their liberty by
evil-minded rulers. The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious
encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding." --
Justice Brandeis
For direct replies, take out the contents between the hyphens. -Really!-
Damn, another 'tard boy comes out of the grass.