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Old February 10th 05, 05:13 AM
Cmd Buzz Corey
Posts: n/a

Trent Hancock wrote:

In a reply to an e-mail I received from a reader of this group, I wrote the

I have been a user of newsgroups since early 1991. Most users today are not
aware there was an internet then! We did not have Netscape, Internet
Explorer and Mozilla then. We relied on many other means to access the
internet. At that time, as is customary today, binary files continue to be
posted in many usegroups. Just because I was new to this paticular group, I
was hammered because I posted a genuine post asking for some help. What did
I get besides flames? There are some who replied to my question without
showing their bottom side and to them I give many thanks.

The usegroups are free for all to use and under the control of no one
individual or group of people. It was devised to operate in this manner to
prevent the very thing that happened to me from happening! Those guys are
just showing their true colors and I now realize they are to be ignored and
placed on the refuge heap with their comments!



Well, no one can force you from it, but it is against Usenet convention
to post binary files to non-binary groups. There are good reasons for
it. There are binary groups set up for that purpose and it is very easy
to point to your binary file that is posted to a binary group, and any
gentleman would be more than happy to abide by that convention.