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Old February 10th 05, 02:58 PM
Peter Maus
Posts: n/a

mike maghakian wrote:
I bought a radio for $215 from someone in canada a few weeks ago and today I
got a bill from the carrier (purolator) company.

the main items we

estimated customs $15
brokerage fee $18
surety bond fee $30
disbursement of funds $5
FCC filing $15

total was $85 on a $215 radio

for those that have experience with this matter, or actually KNOW what they
are talking about, I have some questions.

Am I being taken for a ride ?
I didn't sign anything so why should I pay over $50 in fees to these crumbs
Is there a way to fight this ?


First of the year, new procedures went into place at the
Canadian border with the US. Installed by Customs on our side,
specifically in reference to items of high technology. Things are
far more complex now, than they were in December. I bought some
equipment in late December from a purveyor in Montreal. An attempt
was made to ship shortly after Jan 1 once all the funds had cleared,
and the paperwork was believed completed. The shipment bounced at
the border due to incomplete paperwork, and had to be resubmitted.
It took nearly 3 weeks just to get all the i's dotted and t's
crossed by the attorneys working for the equipment company just to
get FedEx to take the package. The delivery was finally completed a
week ago.

The package was opened and inspected at the border. Inspected
quite thoroughly, btw.

Now, all this was included in the purchase price, so there was
no additional cost to me, but all the items you present here were on
the duplicate bills of lading that came with the package.

Your recourse would lie in that neither Purolator, nor the
shipper, secured your release concering the additional charges.
Then, again, it may be presumed that, as a party to an international
transaction, you would have been aware of the procedural costs
before you entered into the transaction.

Your chances of recovery are, at best, slim.