thank you very much for your help
i wounder
I sorta thought w/a sgc tuner at antenna a 'choke' wouldn't be needed,-
since the tuner has pl259's do you know a place that makes a water
proof choke (as opposed to looping the coax or trying to rig turns
around a core myself ??
the control cable chokes, would a snap on type do it could you recomend
r a good place to get those or what ever is best , specifically , i
never bought any of those
thanks very much again
In article ,
Richard Clark wrote:
On Sat, 12 Feb 2005 00:32:25 GMT, ml wrote:
I sorta have 2 choices but want to know a few pro /con's
Hi OM,
Either will probably be indistinguishable from the other. If the
tuner is lower, then keep the twin line, or its facsimile away from
the metal support by three or so times the separation distance of the
two feed lines.
Don't forget to put chokes on the Transmission line to the tuner, and
on the control lines to the tuner - at the tuner inputs for each.
Richard Clark, KB7QHC