Thread: HQ 140X BFO
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Old February 12th 05, 05:34 PM
Michael Black
Posts: n/a

Bill M ) writes:
Pete KE9OA wrote:

Very true.............with those old receivers that didn't have one of the
new types of product detectors, you had to run the unit with AGC off and use
back the RF gain down to eliminate the distortion.

When did this commonplace knowledge disappear from the radio scene?
Pity...I guess thats why we have this forum.

It disappeared when it became unneeded knowledge for most, ie when product
detectors came along and those using old receivers for SSB were in the

The best source of old knowledge is when something is new, because nobody
assumes everyone knows, and it's information people want. So the magazine
articles covered this really well when SSB first really hit in the late
forties, with complete and detailed articles, and then as SSB became more
common it was still out there but reduced to a paragraph or a sentence.
Since nothing has changed much, those early articles are still as useful
as back then.

WIth some things, say superregenerative receivers, it's like that game,
"broken telephone". By the time you get to the end, articles are not
repeating what was originally said, but what's been watered down in decades
of rather simple articles.

Of course, the original poster has said there was a problem beyond this
matter, and indeed there was something in the wording that made me think
it wasn't this issue.

Michael VE2BVW