HW-100 - 12 volt filament mod for 6883 finals
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February 12th 05, 06:54 PM
Ken Scharf
Posts: n/a
Will putting the filaments in parallel to run 6883 finals screw up the
filament string balance and effect the other tubes in the rig?
tnx 73 gary W4AF
As 6146's became expensive hams started using 6883's which were cheaper
but now the 6883's cost as much as the 6146's. If you are not using
the rig mobile and can fit a 1:2 or 1:4 step up transformer under
the chassis you can also find 6159's a little cheaper. These are
the same as 6146's but with 25 volt heaters. The 6159 was mostly
used in aircraft radios and is available military surplus.
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