Thread: 102inch wip
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Old February 14th 05, 08:25 AM
Jeff Mayner
Posts: n/a

Professor wrote:
Jeff is right... while the whip is a great antenna... if not mounted
on the center of the vehicle... it will be very directional towards
the front of the vehicle if mounted in the rear. Frankly, the whip is
a bit impractical from several standpoints. When balancing
practicality and performance... I always opted for a somewhat shorter
antenna (Wilson 1000) magneted to the center of the roof. This
provides an excellent radiation pattern and doesn't hit every tree,
bridge, and lighting fixure... LOL


But the whip makes such a nice "BONGGGG" when you hit the right object. ;-)

That being said, I think the Wilson is the better choice. If he's driving a
Plymouth he'll probably have the same problem I had with my '68 Dodge
Coronet. Thin top "skin". I'd worry about that whip ripping right out.


Great price but if you don't use the center of the roof you will be
highly directional. Why not put the hole in a less obtrusive place
like the top rather than the highly visable side of the vehicle?
Everything will be easier if you use the roof mount. Tuning, etc.