Hams have been making contacts with Cuba for many many years.
Also North Korea recently. No operations at the moment tho. Their choice -
not ours.
For countries Hams can contact see the DXCC list at URL;
335 entities there -- both countries and islands, etc -- note that Islands
such as Guam count as an entity.
I am not aware of any country USA Hams are forbidden to contact including
Libya, No Korea, Cuba, Iran, China, Yemen, etc.
Countries may chose to prohibit Ham operations -- their choice not ours.
Example Albania and China were off the air for many years -- but are now
allowed. Some countries have very restricted license issues making them very
During the cold war, contacts were allowed with the Soviet Union.
Consider getting a Ham license -- pretty easy these days -- there is a
no-code VHF license and the HF licenses only require 5 wpm code.
Caveat Lector (Reader Beware) A Ham
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"I AmnotGeorgeBush" wrote in message
Over the weekend I was made aware of a certain amateur group talking to
Cuba. Isn't Cuba one of the countries from which casual radio contact is
illegal? We all know Cuba is in DX land all the time on 11 meter, but
did the rules change for hammies regarding who they may communicate