Minimal "Chassis" size for HB rig?
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February 15th 05, 12:21 AM
Gary Cavie
Posts: n/a
In article ,
Much of the negativity that the CBer-Masquerading-As-A-Radio-Ham
emits when it is suggested to him that he should build his own rig comes
from a complaint that it is not possible to miniaturise a rig to the sizes
that are available from the Nipland CB suppliers, mainly Yaesu and Kenwood.
But, surely, the size of a rig is irrelevant to anyone interested in
I wonder what size of rig is really acceptable to the _REAL_ Radio Ham when
you consider that the RACAL RA17 was a large 19" rack model, and
when you take into consideration the footprint of desktop PC's that have
been welcomed so recently into a number of shacks?
How about a foot print of between 12" and 18" square, with a height of about
That would make a rig about the same size as a DVD player, again, an item
of consumerist products that until recently was unknown but now is de
rigeur - again
pointing out the spurious argument put up against HB.
In a box 18" square by 3" tall, we'd have enough room to manoeuvre and to
experiment with circuit changes but without worrying that our Henley "Solon"
soldering irons were going to melt a component other than the one we're
currently dealing with.
I'm currently building Pic-a-star, and haven't given the final casing a
thought yet. Rather than trying to build to a pre-determined size, I'll
design the case around whatever size the radio ends up, allowing for
'poke-about-a-bility' when it's done.
I don't find the SMT devices a problem. G3XJP has come up with some
excellent ideas for repeatable, reliable methods of using them. By making
the code open-source, it is also encouraging to have a dabble, and see
what changes when certain parts are altered. A true homebrewer's delight!
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