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Old July 29th 03, 05:05 AM
Michael A. Terrell
Posts: n/a
Default WTD MC145145P2 or equiv

Lionel Sharp wrote:

Will make it an expensive repair with the company having an $1000
minimum order policy.

Current Terms and Conditions...

Minimum Order..... $1000 (orders less than $3000 are scheduled for
single release)
Shipping.................. F.O.B. - Tempe, AZ
Packaging............... Standard packaging will be used unless
otherwise specified.

Lionel L Sharp

Michael A. Terrell wrote:
"G. Skiffington" wrote:

Looking for 4 units (or 2 minimum) of this 18 pin dip. Used in the
Yaesu FT767GX, Heathkit HW5400 and likely other equipment - not having
any luck, so far, trying to find a supplier in Canada or the US with
stock. Any leads or help appreciated (I have data).

remove REDUCE to reply

Obsolete, and the rights to manufacture were sold to Lansdale

You might get them to tell you who bought a quantity, and buy a
couple from them. I know that Lansdale is hard to deal with. They make
their money on E.O.L. parts to complete contracts. At least SOMEONE is
making replacement parts.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida