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Old February 16th 05, 12:47 AM
Posts: n/a

"John Schneider" wrote in

Hey ass-wipe:
1- Real men use real emaill addresses

But they don't use outlook express, the perfect app for little girls and
clueless newbies. Do you just love spam ? And I don't mean the kind that
comes in a can. Then keep on using your real email address, real man.
You can be the real man with a spam flooded in box.
I'll just sit back and laugh.

2- Now you speak for the whole group and determine what they need?
3- Hourly updates? What are you doin'...readin the same post over and

Can you count to 4 ?

4- Don't like the picure, either request a better one or close your
"Ding Fries are Done" eyes


Ohh such a friendly ebayer ... And a top posting moron to boot, who
couldn't take an in focus pic to save his life. Hope you use your
proceddings from the auction to invest in something other than a made in
china $75 cheap-o camera.

"Jesse" wrote in message
"John Schneider" wrote in

Do we really need hourly updates to your fuzzy pictured auction ?
This is your 4th time, and you seem kinda pushy and desperate to sell