On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 06:47:21 -0500, Dave Hall
wrote in :
On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 14:50:23 -0800, Frank Gilliland
I snipped nothing from that passage.
You certainly did. You snipped paragraph (1), which authorizes the use
of "a mechanical or electrical speed timing device", devices that are
-not- limited by paragraph (4). IOW, if the cop -can- bust for doing
56 in a 55 zone if he uses a mechanical speed timing device (e.g, the
speedometer in his own vehicle).
Again, I snipped nothing from the passage that I was excerpting to
make my point. I provided the link to the whole statute, but I only
copied paragraph 4, since that is the one which pertains to this whole
subject. For the sake of brevity and bandwidth, I chose not to copy
the WHOLE thing. That's why I also posted the link. If, as you are
implying, I was attempting subterfuge, would I have provided the link?
Sure, on the assumption that if you provide the link, people will
assume that you provided all relevant information from the source.
You didn't.
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