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Old February 16th 05, 03:42 PM
Posts: n/a

"budgie" bravely wrote to "All" (16 Feb 05 12:52:14)
--- on the heady topic of " Something like a diplexer"

bu From: budgie
bu Xref: aeinews

You missed a step called a directional coupler. It's a sort of
transformer with 2 input ports and 1 output port. The 2 inputs don't
see one another but their power is combined at the output.

bu You don't actually *need* a directional coupler. I have seen window
bu preselectors with five separate sections for sub-bands between 403 and
bu 520 MHz. The configuration is symmetrical (in/out) with simple bandpass
bu filter segments and coaxial split/combine harnesses. Not a DC or
bu hybrid in sight. I am presuming - not having swept one - that at "off"
bu frequencies each parallelled leg presents a high enough impedance to
bu the split junction that the effect is negligible.

Yes but it requires some effort and cost to build the 2nd BP filters so
I wonder if it's any more difficult to do either? What do you figure?


.... Always look on the bright side of life...[Monty Python]