I haven't eaten at KFC for years for this very reason. Oddly, KFC and
those 17 herbs and spices is the only thing that I miss about eating
meat. If there was Kentucky Fred Tofu, I'd have at it.
Tom Sevart wrote:
But I'll be damned if I let some weenie tell me not to eat an animal
"it's cruel." There's far more cruelty going on out there in the
world. If a chicken could eat you, it would.
First, just because cruelty exists in the animal world, doesn't mean
that it's OK for people to maximize it for unnecessary reasons. If you
want to eat meat, go ahead, but at least admit that it's because you
like it (people clearly don't need it), and that you simply don't care
about whether the animals are mistreated or not...because someone who
cares is going to have a terrible time with his conscience.
And oh, by the way, *Don't eat an animal, because it's cruel.* Now try
and stop me from telling you! hah ha hah hah hah!
Bruce "weenie" Jensen