2 tuners?
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February 17th 05, 03:22 PM
Posts: n/a
I don't really see what your concept should be... Is it a troll or just for
11m band purpose?
You should better get a good antenna handbook to begin with.
"anonymous" a écrit dans le troll de news:
i am going to use a sgc237 roof top to tune my ctr fed dipole.
already happen to own a sgc mac200
was wondering, if my swr at the shack aren't as low as i'd like can i
use the other tuner together??
is that 'good' bad?? how about loss specificaly w/those 2 models in
line not just counting the fact they are pi but over all bennf of
tuning the swrs'
a bit off topic but anyone know who makes a good swr /watt meter pref
digital hf and 2m/440 units
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