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Old February 17th 05, 02:43 PM
Michael Lawson
Posts: n/a

wrote in message
you are very uninformed, the question is not to eat or not but to

or not.

Documentation of abuse by PETA is, by nature, suspect.
They are not a reputable organization because for every
legitimate thing they document, they ruin their reputation
by guerilla tactics and dubious assertions, such as beer
is better for you than milk. (I may prefer beer to milk, but
milk has much more calcium and other nutrients that I
could use as opposed to beer, which has pretty much
a good amount of B6.) Their current fish campaign
echoing Finding Nemo assigns characteristics to fish
found in higher level vertebrates or humans, not accepting
fish for what they are.

the way we treat animals for food is disgusting, and it not
healthy for us, full of chemicals and abuse makes the nutritional

go down. anyone who hears how veal is produced and doesn't get angry
and throw up is pathetic.

Or a farmer.

also it take 16 pounds of grain for one pounds of meat in a world

of starving people. WHAT A WASTE

Please explain to me what you will do after you
feed everyone, because there will be an incredible
explosion of population and an incredible need
for health care when that happens. I have
no problem with the goal of feeding the world,
but no one seems to be focusing on the problems
that that will cause if that goal is achieved.

--Mike L.