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Old February 17th 05, 09:16 PM
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=K=5=D=H= wrote:

Icom AH-4 mobile users:

I recently installed an AH-4 antenna tuner in my mobile
station, connected to my IC-706Mk2G. I'm using a 9 foot
stainless steel CB whip as my radiating element, fed by
about 2 feet of wire from the tuner to the base of the
whip. What kind of radiating element are you using, and
what kind of success do you have with it on 40m and 75m?
I also have an Outbacker Perth antenna that I've used
for many years, but I got tired of being unable to jump
from band to band easily. I've thought about using the
Outbacker with the AH-4, and just omitting the Wander
Lead and matching transformer connection (in other words,
use the Outbacker in its "raw" 75m state). I'm a bit
concerned that the AH-4 won't handle this on 40m because
the AH-4 manual says to avoid odd multiples of 1/2 wave,
and that would be the case using the 75m antenna on 40m.

Let's hear your thoughts and experiences!

Dean K5DH

I was using a similar setup as yours. IC706MKII and the AH-4 tuner on a
9ft whip. I went back to my Webster Bandspanner and got consistently
better results. While it was convenient when changing bands, it does
little good if you cannot make the contact.

This setup might be good at the peak of a solar cycle when you can make
the communications trip with lower power, but in average or below
average conditions I think you are losing too much using the tuner and a


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