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Old February 18th 05, 10:01 PM
Jack Painter
Posts: n/a

"Richard" wrote

I'm wanting to build a receive VHF yagi covering the marine band, that is
from 156.025 - 162.05 Mhz (6 Mhz frequency range).

I want a design that maximises gain.

I would have thought that what I need is a wide-band yagi, but that's all,
not a very-wide band yagi.

Should I be using OWA design? Or what?

BTW, given the frequencies above, what is the yagi bandwith I'd require?

mean, should I be building a yagi described as having a 6Mhz bandwith?


Richard, if you live in an area plagued by pager-interference to the
marine-band, you may notice real improvement by a narrow-band yagi. I used
to use a wide-band yagi for marine but abandoned it due to its
impracticality in trying to cover 300 degrees of traffic from my station
location. Even so, with its large front to back separation and fairly narrow
directional gain, it did help reduce pager-interference.

Jack Painter
Virginia Beach, Virginia