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Old February 20th 05, 01:52 PM
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Sussed it 'They' like to be thought of as 'special. I am a radio amateur. I
am special.
Then loads of other people realise, there not so special after all, anyone
can do it!
As there are now a 'new' breed of sharing radio amateurs, who after years of
secrecy are willing to break ranks and tell the less fortunate, the radio
secrets. Show them how easy it is to start on the path, to be a radio
amateur. The new interested party's take some 'tests' and find them so easy,
that they all pass. They are 'baby' radio amateurs, the idea is they learn
as they go, pass exams and eventually become full licence radio amateurs.

The old school will never accept it.
Who likes to work and pay for something, then see some one else get it for
No one its not human nature.

The Masons will never think the Buffaloes are up to being Masons.
If they dropped all the secrets and made it easy for them to get in.
There would always be a section who moaned about it.
Even if the Buffaloes brought in loads of funds, did loads of good work.
They would always be 2'nd class Masons.
(To the Masons)

The rest of the world don't give a fig!

The older radio amateurs would like to stay special, the elite.
Then someone decided they had been top of the class long enough.
The Ofcom and RSGB are both business, businesses can't afford to be choosy
with there clients, can they?
If radio amateur numbers had not increased and they had not received more
It wouldn't have paid its way, eventually they could have sold it off.
The CB 'licence holders' carried it for years, there numbers paid for the
rest of the 'hobby' radio spectrum.
Now that's going, this is another way of getting the hobby radio users
paying for our bit of the radio spectrum. If we cant pay for it they will
sell it some one else, because to them, its not personal, its only business.