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Old February 20th 05, 03:49 PM
Airy R.Bean
Posts: n/a

Well, you used to rant on about the 12WPM Morse test, and just
consider the areas in which you are not technically able.....

You suggested that resistors were polarised,..... that
motion was possible without power transmission,..... that e^(-jwt)
was a function that decreased with increasing t,..... that ever larger
negative numbers were decreasing in size,..... that Reg Varney the comic
actor was G5RV,..... referred to the posited Pederson Rays as, "Peterson
Rays",..... displayed amazing ignorance about Eddystone receivers,.....
spent 15 months in this NG promoting your sexual perversion
with sheep shagging,..... were too lazy or too stupid, or both, to be able
to tackle and pass a 12 WPM Morse Test that otherwise-unqualified
self-taught 14-year-olds were taking in their stride,..... despite
_TWO DEGREES_, one of them in _ELECTRONICS_, didn't know how to
design a common collector stage to give a power gain..... don't
know what a woodpecker is..... doesn't understand vectors.....
finds it hard to fit an N-plug.....

"Brian Reay" wrote in message

Good description. The bit you missed is that those who always seem to rant
about how hard it used to be are usually the least technically able.