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Old February 21st 05, 05:12 AM
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"Phil Kane" wrote in message
On 19 Feb 2005 18:31:04 -0800, bb wrote:

I don't think the FCC has anyone in a monitoring position that can copy
Morse Code anymore.

You are so wrong. Every FCC "technical enforcement agent" (used to
be called field engineers and monitoring technicians) still has
to be and remain qualified at 16 wpm groups/20 wpm plain-language.

73 de K2ASP - Phil Kane

Hello, Phil

I'd have given anything to see those folks monitoring KG6AAY that day I
found out they (the U.S. Navy) monitored *everything* transmitted at the ham
shack on the U.S. Naval Communications Station on Guam. One of the guys
asked what the heck I was doing (he told me about the monitoring, I had
consumed several "beverages" - read "beer" - and I was at the low end of
40). I told him I was calling CQ. He said "That's not CQ". I assured him
it was - in American Land-Line Morse. Of course, after the initial call
sign was sent, I purposely slowed down and sent "KG6AAY" slowly in
International Morse.

Lo and behold, an old-timer came back - in American Morse.

When the other guy realized what I was doing, he started laughing. The
tears were streaming down our faces. We chatted for half an hour. I'd love
to guess how long those guys poured over those tapes figuring out what
secret message I was sending.

The Navy removed the refrigerator (and beer) within a week .... )

73 from Rochester, NY