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Old February 21st 05, 10:27 AM
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angwy widdle response from K4YZ Feb 20, 4:31 am

Date: Fri, Feb 18 2005 6:07 am
From: "K4YZ"


Rooters News Service


The above quote is attempted satire-sarcasm by the resident
hater-of-all-who-criticize-him-and-cannot-let-it-go. It is, of
course, a LIE.

No, it's not.

It's fiction. There's a difference.

It is a LIE. Worse, it is bad humor.

It is only "bad humor" since you find yourself in the middle of
it. Even worse was that you didn't think to do it to me first.

However, little Steven James throws an angry tantrum, waving his
fists and crying piteously to the adults around him. Few liked
his kind of childish "humor."

"If fails both sarcasm and satire from several basic errors"

You ought to do the proofreading thing in a sentence that

others errors, Lennie.

Tsk, tsk. The angry little Steven James cries and cries some
more, "blaming" all others for not seeing little Stevie's "humor"
which was nothing more than the usual libelous filth outpouring
from a kid who can't take the heat of discussing subjects.

No "blaming", Lennie. No "libelous filth".

You punted a typo. You take every opportunity to try and get
mileage out of other's typos, so it got fed back to you. You didn't
like it...Sucks to be you.

Neither does your Army career, your wife's alleged education and
licensure, or your flirtation with aviation. But you never pass up

chance to enthrall us with those subjects as your will takes you.

Poor baby. Still throwing the tantrum.

No tantrum, Lennie.

You feel perfectly at ease redirecting the attention of the group
to your non-Amateur Radio exploits (which is to say everything you do)
but then somehow think noone else should.

I've not "enthralled" anything or anyone by mentioning what I've
done in the past half century involving radio and electronics.

That's the absolutely first thing you've ever said that is
absolutely and patently true, Lennie. You've not enthralled ANYone!

I did them and have references which include living individuals

least three of them are licensed amateur extras) who were also

and can corroborate what was done.

It's not what you've "done"...It's what you've CLAIMED to have

You've had years to pony up some validation of your claims.

You never have.

Another PCTA extra in here repeatedly quoted (not verbatim)
a major league baseball player's statement "It ain't braggin if
ya done it!" Tsk, I've done it and it isn't bragging.

You've claimed a lot of things and so far, not proved a one of
them...Starting with your "out of the box" declaration.

"K4YZ" has charged me repeatedly with plagiarism, the
stealing of already published written work. Unfortunately, he
is accusing himself of such in the poor, rewritten copy of that
old "Polish joke."

So far, you've not proved any of my allegations as inaccurate.
It's been several years.

More LIES by little Steven James.

No one can disprove something that doesn't exist.

However, little Steven James' "allegations" are terribly
inaccurate, being nothing more than angry tantrums blurted
out of a need to libelously label opponents' comments as
"lies" when he hasn't done the equivalent.

I never claimed to have "done the equivilent". I wouldn't want

There's nothing in my character that could allow me to be like
you, Lennie.

Little Stevie is welcome to go through each and every article
I've written in the past half century and show (with proper
work) where this alleged "plagiarism" was done. That will be
only about 9 periodicals, each having a production staff that
has read the original manuscripts, the proofs, and corrected
proofs (if needed) sent back, plus the page make-up sheets
prior to printing. At roughly 3 people per staff, that would be
roughly 27 others who approved what went into print. Be
mindful that all 9 periodicals also had legal representatives
who did not want any civil-suit plagiarism charges brought
against those periodicals. On top of that, angry little Stevie
has to check all subsequent issues of each periodical to
review corrections printed about my past articles, including
reader allegations of "plagiarism."

So far, you've not "shown your work" that proves that any of your
"articles" were authentic and original.

You've only exhibited your own little tantrum. Nice show.

To save him the time of
searching (which he can't do), he should know that there
were none.

And there have been other examples of works decades old were shown
for the frauds they were.

Miraculously, little Stevie NOW claims that I "copied all of
it from others!"

Oh no, Lennie...that's NOT what I said. Try again.

That is utter nonsense. Little Stevie has NO
such proof, no such references, just a blanket general
statement which is one more filthy little piece of the trash
he hurls at those who oppose him in public. Poor baby.

The trash is coming from Sun Valley, Lennie. Your wardance to
defend it was quite entertaining.

"I am laughing at the superior intellect".

Those who have no intellect should not complain or try to
bluff their way through anything.

You're right twice in one post, Lennie!

But then that doesn't answer WHY you keep doing it! (bluffing)


Steve, K4YZ