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Old February 21st 05, 07:52 PM
Posts: n/a

Understood and that is what I am trying to do but I do not want to go thru
same rigor remole that happened last time
where I could not open any minds to even start thinking of it

"Roy Lewallen" wrote in message
Art, all you need to do in order to convince me is to produce quantitative
evidence that supports your theories.

Roy Lewallen, W7EL

Roy allow me to be a bit more directive regarding my pursuit.
I am trying to see what methods that can be used for maximum gain.
Having made many a long boom yagi 80 feet and 13 elements I have
come to the cinclusion that thinking must move away from Yagi's.
If one starts with a balloon squeezed in the center we get the figure 8
I think we all can agree on that
My logic is that we must find a way to move all the volume at the rear to
the front thus increasing
the front diameter before we begin to massage it. The present thinking is
one sqeeze at the rear
is the best that one can do. It is here that I part company with the
If we move all the volume to the front then talk of gain/boom length
becomes moot.
There are other points that I am not happy with regarding antennas in
that if we have reprocity
how is it that radio rays can arrive at angles as low as 3 degrees?
Deflection of radio waves jump right out at you
I model quite a bit but models tend to follow the input thinking so I
intentially put Yagis aside and mainly revolve around close coupling and
clustering of elements
but at the same time I am interested in what
aproaches have been made with the yagi in removing the rear volume as it
I am aware that antennas have been studied to death over the years but it
is my belief
that all these studies started around yagi phillosophy which made them
all interdependent.
I believe I have arrived at a turning point in my quest and should know
in a few days
when the weather has cleared up.and I can get on the air for trials.
There we have it , no deviation from antennas just one hams thinking

who is loathe to follow others.

"Roy Lewallen" wrote in message

It should also be mentioned that the front/back ratio is different at
