Well, I would take minor exception to the statement that 6M is not so
good right now. We have nearly daily openings from the upper midwest to
the Rockie Mountains and the Gulf coast via sporadic E openings. Aurora
enhanced operation is somewhat limited lately. That is why 6M is
called the "magic band". It can open at noon or 9PM on Monday, Thursday
or Sunday...or not at all for several days...
It has been and probably always will be my favorite band!
Hello all,
I'm currently studying code so I can pass my General class license
test. I am also interested in homebrewing and QRP. I am looking for
plans for building a homebrew 6 meter transmitter. I know that the
propagation is not favorable for 6M right now, but until I gain my
General class license, I think such a project will be a good place to
start. I would appreciate any help that you can offer. Thanks.
Jason Evans