In (, Ed Engelken wrote:
Also, what kind of propellant/oxidant was used?
It was a two-stage missle with a solid fuel booster and a liquid fuel
missle motor. One of the liquid components was "red fuming nitric
acid" but I forgot the other component. It's been well over 40 years
ago, so cut me some slack!
If RFNA was one component, then the other probably was some form of
hydrazine -- probably unsymmetrical dimethyil hydrazine, which is
Nasty and Corrosive enough to make RFNA look positively friendly.
How about "suspender snapping three martini lunching mahogany tabled
conference room equipped with overhead projector dwelling golden parachute
flying bill gates specifying buzzword spewing computerworld and datamation
reading trend bandwagoneering meeting going morons". -- Tom O'Toole