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Old February 22nd 05, 04:39 PM
Posts: n/a

On 21 Feb 2005 09:54:50 -0800, "

I'm currently studying code so I can pass my General class license
test. I am also interested in homebrewing and QRP. I am looking for
plans for building a homebrew 6 meter transmitter. I know that the
propagation is not favorable for 6M right now, but until I gain my
General class license, I think such a project will be a good place to
start. I would appreciate any help that you can offer. Thanks.

Jason Evans

Ok go for it. There are openings on 6m even now, maybe less frequent
but they are there. I've only worked Florida and Alabama twice this
last week on 6w and 4 elements at 31FT from Massachusetts. Actually
6M is a fun bad and when it opens it can be amazing. It's possible to
do real DX. I've worked 7 countries so far at low power. In a few
years when the cycle starts toward peak again it should be

Now heres a suggestion for a project, or more correctly a series of
them that will get you on 6m.

An inexpensive transverter kit from 20m to 6m from TenTec 1208
139$ US. This will get you 8-10w on 6m, plenty believe me with an
inexpensive 3 element beam as high as you can get it. Come to think
of it, you could build the beam too!

The second part assumes that once you have the code and general
license you want a HF rig for use.

Now you need a 20m SSB transceiver, either a used commercial one or
build one. You can find pleny of HF radios that do low power that
either have 6m already or need the transverter to get there. There
are several kits that are candidates. Note: that transverter does not
require much power (under 5w) from the 20M rig so something that only
does a few watts is ideal. There is also a design on the net, see:

It's a build it from scratch but do able if you've built some before
and can get assistance. Why build a 20m rig and use a transverter?
Simple working with RF at 20m is far less critical than at 6m and
the transverter kit has a nice board that removes that problem.

Finally, even as a no-code tech you can use code! Just remember
send QRS if they are too fast. So 6m can be used to practice and
gain skill. There are a bunch of low power 20m CW only tranceivers
that would drive the TenTec nicely. Most of them will recieve SSB but
your limited to CW transmit.

As I said some suggestions.

KB1GMX fn42