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Old August 19th 03, 02:11 AM
Clif Holland
Posts: n/a

The plate voltage is low which tells me one of the main filter caps is
leaking. It will short and blow the fuse.

Clif Holland, KA5IPF
Authorized Kenwood and Icom Amateur Service

"George" wrote in message
I have a Kenwood TS-520S that keeps blowing the 6 Amp line fuse in it.
My Bias control is set for 60ma idle current,
HV is right at 800V
SWR under 1.3:1
It tunes up fine and will run a QSO for about 30 Seconds (CW) then
POOF the fuse blows.
Blows the fuse when operating phone also.

One thing I did find is that the running plate current is a little
high, seems to be about 270-280ma when transmitting, but I can't find
a way to get it lower... adjusting the carrier all the way down has no
effect. rig is putting out 100W on 20 meters

any tips greatly appreciated

Tnx & 73