wrote in message
Alun L. Palmer wrote:
12 wpm random groups with 96% copy
The US requirements for hams have never been anywhere near so
The *toughest* they ever were was 1 minute solid copy out of 5 minutes
- plain language. 5, 13 and 20 wpm. That's 20% accuracy! About 20-25
years ago, fill-in-the-blank and multiple choice were added.
Multiple choice exams are no longer allowed for element 1. It's too easy to
guess the answer if you have even minimal copy. As I recall when I took my
20wpm, I was able to successfully deduce that the only possible answer out
of the choices offered was Switzerland. The only letter that I had copied
was the W. Some of us were too good at deduction and guessing.
Dee D. Flint, N8UZE