Thread: South Africa!
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Old February 23rd 05, 12:56 AM
Posts: n/a

Mike Coslo posted on Mon, Feb 21 2005 4:31 pm
Alun L. Palmer wrote:
Mike Coslo wrote in

stuff sinpped for trying to figure out who said what....

most of Coslo-multi-quote-copying snipped as redundant

Funny in a macabre sort of way, but hard to see the connection.

Back when I originally made the "Jump frog jump comment, it was

people making an incorrect or bizzare conclusion from plain evidence.

Retention of the morse code test for an amateur radio license
is bizarre, outdated, with NO logical connection.

Where people Might say that the No-Code technicians quit because

had a license that didn't have Element 1 as a test requirement.

It would seem that those "who might say" that are PCTA!

PCTAs have been insisting and insisting that the "no-code"
Technicians would be expiring en masse 12 years after the
1991 creation of that class. They didn't! Sunnuvagun!

Fact: The Technician class license number keep INCREASING!

According to for 22 Feb 05, the Technician
class is GROWING at an average rate of 27 per day! General
class growth is about 2 per day, Extras about 5 per day.

No-code detractors (such as "N2EY") used to say the Tech
numbers were "meaningless since the Tech-Plus renewals
were being tossed into the Tech category" and that was
supposed to indicate the "meaninglessness." :-) Isn't so.'s latest tabulation (direct from FCC database,
publicly available) shows that there are 723,551 individual
amateur licenses (732,945 less 9,394 Club licenses). Of
those, 290,874 are Technician class and 58,999 are
Technician-Plus class. Very near 2 out of 5 individual
amateur licenses are Technician class. From the hamdata
tabulation of a year ago, Technician license growth was
9899 and Technician-Plus license decrease was 9521. The
delta is 378 to indicate no-code Technician license minimum
growth or at least 2 every 3 days.

The chief of the numbers-game players ("N2EY") is still
going to insist (if past is truly prologue) the no-code Tech
numbers are "falling"...from some kind of inventive
rationalization. :-) Since it isn't PC to show losses of
any class but the evil no-coders (as AH0A does/did),
he will continue to maintain the no-coder "loss" is
"there." :-) If Tech+ classes were "upgrading" their
license classes, then the no-code Tech numbers would
be increasing even more! [sunnuvagun!]

The sky has NOT fallen on the no-coders...except in
the minds of the Chicken Little PCTAs. Paradigms were
punctured and fell on those mighty instead... :-)