Thread: South Africa!
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Old February 23rd 05, 03:03 AM
Posts: n/a

Jim, , wrote on Tues, Feb 22 2005 1:47 am
Alun L. Palmer wrote:
wrote in news:1109009984.323422.143080

5wpm isn't very fast, but why is it required to operate phone?

A couple of reasons:

For the same reason hams have to pass written *theory* tests to
use *manufactured* rigs with no critical tuneup adjustments.

1. The FCC decided it needed to test radio amateurs as
part of their task of regulating all U.S. civil radio.

2. The VEC Question Pool Committee decides WHAT
the questions are; FCC only specifies a total number
and the percentage correct for passing.

3. Any other reason is meaningless... ;-)

For the same reason hams have to pass written tests on VHF/UHF to
operate HF, high-power RF exposure questions to operate QRP, etc.

FCC doesn't mandate morse code skill as
being necessary to operate about 30 MHz.

Technician class licensees don't have to take
morse code tests and they are banished to the
radioland above 30 MHz.

And because code is a big part of amateur radio, and a ham who doesn't
know any just isn't fully qualified.

" F U L L Y Q U A L I F I E D ! "

G o t t a l o v e i t !

Olde tymers had to test for morse..."ergo," newbies have
to test for morse code!!!

Excellence in U.S. amateur radio is all about morse code

"Real" hams are MORSEMEN!

U.S. radio amateurs are the keepers of the
living museum of morsemanship! [all other
radio services have given up on morse code
for main communications]

Olde tyme hamme morsemen need playmates.

Keep the test to subsidize the "CW" playground
for the olde tymers!

Screw the newbies to HF...MAKE them learn
code to please the elitist olde tymers!