Winn-Dixie - BANKRUPT
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February 23rd 05, 04:47 PM
Al Patrick
Posts: n/a
1) I first heard it on shortwave radio.
2) They appeared to have a company policy to snoop and spy and report
on those who would train up their children to be obedient, mannerly
3) I'm glad something makes you think! THAT is the intent of most of
my messages. Of course, I can't help WHAT you think. All of us choose
to think what we wish! You have made your choice. I appreciate your
sharing it with all the rest of us! ;-)
What does your story have to do with either shortwave or the failure of
a long time food retailer. Why would anyone gloat over the potential
closing of so many stores that employed and served so many people.
I strongly suggest that you go back and reread everything you wrote.
Ranting like: "Yep, spend yo' money wif us so we can monitor yo'
principles and git you arrested!" makes me think you have been reading
too much KKK literature.
Al Patrick wrote:
I heard of the W-D bankruptcy first on SW radio, 7415, at 8:00 PM
night - then read it in the paper this morning.
Well, folks, you may want to blame me for this. I did my part to
Winn-Dixie go bankrupt. I stayed away from their store no matter how
good the "deals" were.
Why? Do you recall about eight or ten years ago, perhaps longer,
when a
LADY in Atlanta, GA (?) slapped her child (about 10 years old) in a
Winn-Dixie store because of misbehaving in the store and picking at a
sibling? (I believe it was a little boy picking at his younger
but don't recall for sure.) Anyway, some "nice" clerk (or the cops)
kind enough to wait until after she had PAID for her groceries before
having her arrested - and hauling her off to jail! (Imagine the
they felt and/or gained out of this. The d**n "Bible-Thumping"
(probably) mother goes to jail. "Yip, got ONE of them off the
DSS probably got the children, at least for a few hours, and
got more money from the government for it, and the four ton cops got
chance to feel real tough beating up on a little old lady! WOW!)
"Yep, spend yo' money wif us so we can monitor yo' principles and git
you arrested! We's don't read that thar B-i-b-l-e nor follow what it
says! We's watches "cops" on tv, knows all about 9-1-1, loves yo'
and believes all what Doc Spock writted! We's calls 911 in a flash
(probably programmed into the speed dialing system) when we sees
what might act like theys wants to use the rod and train a child!
caint have no dis', dis', oh yeah, DISAPPLINED child in our store cuz
might make good citizens and stay out of trouble and da system won't
make no money on bee-having chilluns -- less'on wes catchs them
following dat ol' black book!"
I called several of the Winn-Dixie stores, spoke with a manager and
tried to get them to say that it was not official company policy to
interfere with a parent correcting a child. NONE of them would make
such a statement! I promised them I'd not be back until I read
changed policy.
May Winn-Dixie go the way of most of America's industry. Please,
send them overseas some place. Send them to China. Maybe China can
rework the program, using slave labor and sell it back to us cheaper
than we can produce another Winn-Dixie here! ;-)
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