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Old August 24th 03, 02:01 PM
Larry W4CSC
Posts: n/a

On Sun, 24 Aug 2003 06:10:15 GMT, Bobby

Hello all,

I'm only 22 years old and interested in anything electronic. Computers,
HiFi, home theatre, antique radios, and ham radio. I am planning on
getting a license, but I thought that code was needed for a technicians
class. I thought wrong, but still plan on learning it. It is interesting

Way to go, Bobby! Why'd you wait so long? Got my ham license in
1957. I was 11...(c; You are the future of ham radio, its only hope.
Thanks for keeping my favorite hobby alive!

I've helped hundreds of young people get their licenses over the
years. My record was a boy who was 7 when he got his Novice license
and just stole my $20 bet when he was 10 that he couldn't get his
20wpm code and Extra license before he became a teenager. Sure glad I
lost that bet...(c;

ARRL old fogeys will just have to LIVE WITH IT!

Our ham club used to sit in 2 camps....the old farts like me and the
new hams like you. I stood up in a meeting in the middle of a heated
argument and said, "It's time us old farts learned to lay back and
relax and let the new hams run the train's throttle.....and run with
it." The club's been a lot more fun since that happened. They set up
the Field Day and us old farts just go out and play with the new

73, and welcome to ham radio! It's been a helluva great ride for
Larry W4CharlestonSC
on HF SSB today from Her Majesty's sailing vessel "Claire's Navie" on
its new Icom M802 later on this afternoon.....workin' DX on 20M I

Larry W4CSC

Maybe we could get the power grid fixed if every politician
regulating the power companies wasn't on their payrolls.