"BDK" wrote in message
In article ,
The original of this never showed up on my server, so I'm piggy-backing.
I thought he was amusing. Most all the other preachers are
best, so I'm not rejoicing he's dead, but I don't think there's
reason to be happy about it...and prostate cancer can be a bad way
Right here I could interject the same word you used above. Proof.
How do
know its a bad way to go? You gone that way? No.
Holy crap, you're weak! And you tell me to go to debating school?! Mind
boggling. I guess that since the Bible doesn't say that it's a bad way to
go, you don't feel comfortable in taking someone elses word for it.
Maybe yes. The same could be said for Dr. Scott. If you ever knew
Christians, you would see their serenity in their leaving this
I've seen -plenty- of Christians die, and this is true. Most of them and
their families do take it quite well, considering. But who wouldn't, if they
really believed what they profess? It's not an impressive thing. The
impressive ones are the people who face it with grace and dignity believing
that the end is the end. How you can sit there and brag about Christians
dying with serenity when they don't believe they're really dying in the
first place is beyond me. Almost. I hereby predict a semantic argument from
the doctors. They can tell you that Christians on the whole have
of a
grip on death than those who dont know God.
Nonsense. I looked it up. You're wrong. Now you go look it up too. When you
don't. or can't, come back and I'll show you the difference between the two
of us; I'll actually point out where you're wrong.
They can tell you the horror
the faces of those who die not knowing what will happen to them
are gone.
I am SO glad that I'm sitting down to read all of this. Falling out of ones
chair is so much safer when you're closer to the ground.