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Old February 25th 05, 09:15 AM
Posts: n/a

try and look
on the page 11: FP-707 power supply circuit diagram.
Transistor Q101 (2SK19-TM/BL) + R101 (56 ohm) acts as an Idss current source
(6-14 mA for TM or 12-24 mA for BL), limiting supply output current to
about: hFE(Q1) x hFE(Q102) x Idss.

73's de Chris SP7ICE

Uzytkownik "SMJ" napisal w wiadomosci
Anyone know where I can see a schematic of a common emitter power
supply? I've always read about using the emitter of a pass transistor
as the positive terminal output (Common collector). Taking apart this
trip lite power supply I see that they have the negative terminal
connecting to the collector of the npn pass transistors. This seems
like it would extremely complicate the regulation design. Can anyone
explain the benefits, and where I can learn more about this design